Saturday, June 28, 2008

Photo help needed

I've got pictures, lots of pictures, that I want to link to this blog.
I also have a Photobucket album, but it's for our last adoption.
Any suggestions how I can link pics here?
I just know that someone has a solution for me.
You're welcome to post a comment below or send an email to me.


yingst said...

Linda and Ting -

First, John Thomas cried when he saw Casi picture - he likes your new name.

How wonderful things sound!
We too - took the Great Wall trip with Christina - isn't she just a doll.

When we added photo's to our messages - there was a link we clicked - did you bring your usb
(I think that is what it is called) with you - you will need it to hook the camera to the computer.

Can't wait to read more!
Love to you,
Debbie Y. and the boys

vickih65 said...

Hi Linda,
First let me say that I am so happy you are blogging, we should be thanking you for the privilage of following your most amazing journey!

I went to the photobucket website and it looks like you can put your pics in an album like you had before and then click "share". It gives you options of where to share and blogger is one. It should walk you through the process after that. Just something to try if you can't add them directly to the blog on the blogger posts.