The following are not meant to insult, rather they are what I see and hear. Please remember that the people here are wonderfully kind and friendly.
Foliage is abundant, yet their varied hues of green dusted with a fine coating of silt. This is the coal mining area of China. Also there are many steel factories.
Buildings appear unfinished—it’s as if something is missing—trim? contrast colors? You just have a sense of incompleteness.
Government buildings win the prize for greatest lack of creativity or style. They are usually drab, grayish brick or block constructions with large dirty plate glass windows. If the architect was feeling festive, there might be a Lion statue in front. Two lions are a Wow!
Anyone with a disability cannot receive a driver's license.
Anyone of any age can purchase alchoholic beverages and cigarettes.
News Flash! I am told that the Olympic Mountain Bike Racing event is in Taiyuan. So, you can see the mountains and farm land for yourself! Maybe a bit of Taiyuan and PingYao too, if it’s a slow news day.
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